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Liquid Cooled Solutions

Managing heat is a critical challenge given the increasing power density of high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Liquid cooling harnesses the superior thermal conductivity of liquids to dissipate heat more effectively than air.       

Key Benefits of Liquid Cooling

  • Enhanced Performance: Superior thermal management for higher speeds and greater stability.
  • Reliability: Better heat dissipation extends hardware lifespans and reduces failure risk.
  • Scalability: Designed to grow with your needs, offering scalable data center solutions.

Rack-Scale Liquid Cooling Solutions

Our Supermicro liquid cooling solutions can reduce OPEX by up to 40%, and allow data centers to run more efficiently with lower PUE.

Custom Liquid Cooled Solutions

Every computing environment is unique, and so are its cooling requirements. That's why we offer custom liquid cooled solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of experts will work closely with you to design and build a system that maximizes efficiency and performance for your particular application.

Your Partner for Liquid Cooling Solutions

Whether you need liquid cooled servers, racks, or entire clusters, we have the expertise and partnerships to deliver. Silicon Mechanics provides a comprehensive and thoroughly tested solution that includes servers, racks, clusters, networking, and liquid cooling infrastructure. Contact us today.


Liquid Cooling Technologies

High-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) applications rely on GPUs and CPUs which draw more power and generate more heat than traditional air-cooling methods can handle.

Liquid cooling has become crucial for effectively handling the high power and compute density of modern systems. Even for mid-to-large scale data centers, liquid cooling significantly enhances efficiency and performance, ensuring smooth and reliable operation.

Liquid Cooling Approaches

1. Direct-to-Chip (D2C) Cooling

  • Overview: Direct-to-chip cooling involves placing a cold plate directly onto the heat-generating components, such as CPUs or GPUs. Coolant is circulated through the cold plate, absorbing heat directly from the source and transferring it away.
  • Advantages: Highly efficient heat transfer, targeted cooling of critical components, and reduced risk of overheating.

2. Immersion Cooling

  • Overview: In immersion cooling, entire servers or components are submerged in a thermally conductive but electrically non-conductive liquid. Heat generated by the components is directly absorbed by the surrounding liquid.
  • Advantages: Exceptional thermal management, uniform cooling, and the potential for higher component density in data centers.

3. Rear-Door/In-Row Heat Exchangers

  • Overview: Rear-door heat exchangers are mounted on the back of server racks. As hot air exits the servers, it passes through the heat exchanger, where it is cooled by a liquid circulating through the unit. In-row heat exchangers pull air from the hot row and return cooled air to the row.
  • Advantages: Easy to retrofit into existing data centers, efficient use of space, and improved overall cooling performance.

Each of these technologies offers unique advantages, making them suitable for various applications and environments. Contact us to speak with one of our Solution Architects to find out which approach best fits your needs.

Maximizing Power Density: Advanced Liquid Cooling Technology Partners

In the world of high-performance computing, effective thermal management is crucial. By collaborating with industry-leading liquid cooling experts, Silicon Mechanics brings you leading-edge solutions for server racks and clusters to ensure your systems operate at peak potential.

Green Revolution Cooling

GRC’s (Green Revolution Cooling) patented immersion cooling technology radically simplifies deployment of data center cooling infrastructure. By eliminating the need for chillers, CRACs, air handlers, humidity controls, and other conventional cooling components, enterprises reduce their data center design, build, energy, and maintenance costs.


Founded in 2015, Submer provides best-in-class technology, enabling datacenters around the world to leverage the power of immersion cooling for HPC, hyperscale, data centers, Edge, AI, DL, and blockchain applications. Submer is headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, and operates a Gigafactory in Houston, Texas.


ZutaCore is paving the way for a zero-emission data industry with its next-generation liquid cooling technology that can cool the hottest processors with 100% heat reuse. Its HyperCool technology – a direct-on-chip, waterless, direct liquid cooling solution – enables the highest sustained performance, server densification, and reduced power.

CoolIT Systems

CoolIT Systems specializes in scalable liquid cooling solutions for the world’s most demanding computing environments. Through its modular, Direct Liquid Cooling technology, CoolIT enables dramatic increases in rack densities, component performance and power efficiencies. Together, CoolIT and its partners are leading the way for widespread adoption of high-performance computing.


Comino is an international liquid tech solution provider that offers liquid-cooled multi-GPU AI workstations and servers and high frequency CPU compute nodes.

Expert Included

Our engineers are not only experts in traditional HPC and AI technologies, we also routinely build complex rack-scale solutions with today's newest innovations so that we can design and build the best solution for your unique needs.

Talk to an engineer and see how we can help solve your computing challenges today.